IDEAL FACE® SUBMENTAL LIPOSUCTION (SUBMENTAL LIPECTOMY) Submental Lipectomy and Platysmaplasty. (Left) Liposuction under chin, (middle) excision of excess submuscular fat, and (right) suturing of medial border of platysma muscle. This combination provides...
IDEAL FACE® Ideal Nose (RHINOPLASTY) (Left) The normal bony and cartilaginous anatomy of the nose. (Right) During a rhinoplasty, the dorsum is trimmed. The alar cartilages are tapered to refine the tip. (Left) Bulbous nasal tip and flaring of the nostrils....
IDEAL FACE® EYELID SURGERY (BLEPHAROPLASTY) Patients over 40 usually have more skin laxity. In these patients, laser treatment alone may not produce enough skin tightening to adequately take up the slack. An external, transcutaneous approach with skin...
IDEAL FACE® LASER SKIN RESURFACING LASER SKIN RESURFACING(Left) Fractional and (right) ablative laser skin resurfacing. Fractional laser treatments preserve a bridge of skin between the holes. The skin heals quickly as adjacent skin cells heal the holes from...
IDEAL FACE® Fat Injection Ideal LipsFacial Fat Injection Sites. The minimum number of incisions is used. Note that the lips are treated using a single incision for each lip, tucked on the inside of the left corner of the mouth. INTRODUCTION Fat injection is a...